News / Reports
- Berria (28 May 2014): Txiozaleei hegoak moztear (Basque: on the Spanish Government's censorship of freedom of speech on Twitter)
- Mondragon Unibertsitatea (4 Apr 2014): Informatika eta kazetaritza elkarlana uztartzen (Basque: Bridging the gap between computer science and journalism)
- Faktoria, Euskadi Irratia (26 Feb 2014): Arkaitz Zubiaga, Dublingo Institutu Teknologikoan ikerlari (Basque, radio: Arkaitz Zubiaga, researcher at the Dublin Institute of Technology)
- (8 Jan 2014): "Herri-kazetaritzak ez du kazetariaren irudia zalantzan jartzen, baina bai berriro definitu" (Basque: "Citizen journalism doesn't jeopardize the role of journalists, but just redefines it")
- HABE (January 2013): Wikipedia entziklopedia, euskara ikusgarri Interneten (Basque: "Wikipedia, the encyclopedia that makes the Basque language visible on the Internet")
- Radio UNED (20 May 2009): Nuevas tendencias en las tecnologías e la información: Las redes sociales (Spanish: Emerging trends in the Information and Communication Technologies: Social Networks)
- Lantalan (23 Jun 2008): Ubuntu sistema eragilea (Basque: The operating system Ubuntu)
- (28 Jan 2008): "Euskal Wikipedian jendearen debaldeko lana eskertzen da" (Basque: "We acknowledge the work that volunteers do when contributing to the Basque Wikipedia for free")
- Radio Euskadi (Nov 2007): Entrevista sobre Wikipedia en euskera (Spanish, radio: Interview on Basque Wikipedia)
- Gaur8 (7 Sep 2007): Enziklopediak, euskal wikipediaren behar eta hutsune nagusiak antzematen (Basque: "Identifying the main shortcomings of the Basque Wikipedia")
- Gara (15 Feb 2007): "Ezinbestekoa da Euskal Herriari buruzko edukiak biltzea eta hobetzea" (Basque:"It is of paramount importance to elaborate more on Wikipedia's contents about the Basque Country)
- Kontaizu (2006): Elkarrizketa Wikipedia eta gainean (Basque: interview both on the Basque Wikipedia and on having created the collaborative news website
- (4 Apr 2006): gainean elkarrizketa (Basque, radio: Interview on