Research Interests

The overarching objective of my research is to leverage online data to understand and improve aspects of the real world, and revolves around the broad area of Computational Social Science. My research tends to be very interdisciplinary, mostly focusing on computational problems in Natural Language Processing, Social Media Mining and Social Computing, but also making use of domain knowledge from other disciplines such as Journalism, Psychology and Sociology to advance research in Social Data Science.

Linking online and offline events can be understood as a problem that can be tackled in two different directions, either by modelling the reflection of real world events in online platforms, or by assessing and mitigating the effect of online events in the real world. The list of research interests below is not exhaustive and keeps continually evolving, but it's meant to give a general idea of the kinds of research problems that I work on.

If you are interested in doing a PhD or discussing potential collaborations within these or related areas of research, do get in touch.